Framework for partnerships

The Framework is written for the wide variety of stakeholders involved in the establishment and evolution of LYPs and YPFs and can be used in several ways.

The Framework is designed to support and inform the journey of an LYP, as it moves from an initial group of partners and organisations collectively exploring collaboration, through an expanded group of partners committing to developing their work together with shared intent, to an active and established LYP or YPF affecting positive change in their area.

It is intended to serve as a valuable tool for guidance, self-assessment, planning, and evaluation.

The ‘markers’ of effective partnership are the landmarks and waypoints on this journey, and so present opportunities to stop and reflect on progress, and plan the way ahead. The markers are not sequential – some LYPs will arrive at some markers earlier than others, and the practice of individual LYPs will evolve at different speeds.


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Through using the Framework, there are many opportunities to embody effective collaboration: for example, using the content to provide the agenda for partnership meetings and working groups; convening around the individual experience that relates to each marker and how they are different for diverse stakeholder groups; or structuring your governance cycle around a regular review of each marker.

Fundamentally, the Framework is intended to function as a ‘blueprint’ for effective partnership in service of high quality out- of-school provision and improved outcomes for young people. LYPs respond to and meet the needs of children and young people locally, through partnerships and collaboration. Robust, inclusive and varied partnerships encourage higher investment and support for youth and play, resulting in better outcomes for children, young people and communities.