Young People's Foundation Trust

People, Partnership, Place

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Through DCMS funding in 2022/23 and 2023/24 we established a national programme for local partnership in the youth sector, providing the tools, resources and support for any area to collaborate effectively for children and young people – this enables local areas to increase their reach, demonstrate their value and impact and secure investment in local services.  

We now know that investment in partnerships leads to greater investment locally and is critical in meeting our collective ambitions for children and young people - local areas need further investment in infrastructure complemented with greater coordination at national level and use of a consistent framework and local centred approach.

We are now working with over 40 areas across England, working in partnership with regional and national partners.

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Number of active YPFs
Areas we are engaged with
Number of YPF members

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Empowering local project

Empowering Local is a growing group of local, regional and national funders and infrastructure organisations committed to supporting place-based funding of the VCSE sector which meets the needs of children, young people and communities.

We believe that more attention needs to be paid to local need at a national level, and we want to support that to happen through collaboration and investment.

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Young People Foundations (YPFs) are locally established, cross-sectorial organisations that seek to sustain CYP delivery in a specific area. They are independent membership organisations open to any group that works with Children and Young People 0-25. Each YPF is different, working to a flexible model which is shaped by local needs and ambitions.

We are growing the number of YPFs across England, building a network of local partnerships in support of young people, and strengthening regional networks in partnership with the Network of Regional Youth Work Units and national partners.

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