There are many challenges facing children and young people where they live, but we firmly believe that if we come together in active partnership, we can make a positive difference.
Through DCMS funding in 2022/23 and 2023/24 we established a national programme for local partnership in the youth sector, providing the tools, resources and support for any area to collaborate effectively for children and young people – this enables local areas to increase their reach, demonstrate their value and impact and secure investment in local services.
We now know that investment in partnerships leads to greater investment locally and is critical in meeting our collective ambitions for children and young people - local areas need further investment in infrastructure complemented with greater coordination at national level and use of a consistent framework and local centred approach.
We are now working with over 40 areas across England, working in partnership with regional and national partners.
- Developed a range of tools, guidance and resources to enable formal partnerships locally.
- Enabled local areas to fully engage with and take advantage of regional and national support available through formal connections to regional and national bodies.
- Established the first ‘Framework for Partnership’, a resource which seeks to provide guidance to organisations and groups looking to explore partnership working, as well as established partnerships.
- Provided a business case supporting LYPs at a local, regional and national level.
- Connected new local partnerships to a growing network of place-based partnerships.
- Connected LYPs into wider investments in children and young people across government, trusts and foundations.
In May 2023, YPF Trust outlined a number of recommendations (to DCMS and partners).
Working alongside national partners, including NYA, YMCA George Williams College, and the Network of Regional Youth Work Units, we recommended:
- Implementing a national programme of support to partnerships across the country.
- Establishing a consistent approach to partnership in the youth sector which supports local needs and ambitions whilst providing clarity and consistency for supporters and partners.
- Aligning partnership development with a core offer for young people and organisations, including National Youth Guarantee and national infrastructure and guidance.
- Providing direct, tailored support for local areas to understand, navigate and influence the opportunities available to them, alongside shaping their local strategies and plans.
- Investing directly into local partnerships through a broad network of local, regional and national funders so that this, in turn, creates the mechanisms for income generation and effective marshalling of resources.
The second phase of this project aimed to provide ongoing local support while also developing national and regional initiatives to foster and support local partnerships.
Priorities for Phase 2:
- Embed Local Youth Partnerships into national policy and practice in the youth sector - including national and local guidance and resources, including via a standardised partnerships framework for LYPs.
- Align Support for LYPs with National and Regional Infrastructure - embed support for Local Youth Partnerships into national and regional infrastructure systems and programmes, ensuring full alignment of local capacity building and development with the work of national partners and the Network of Regional Youth Work Units.
- Explore Sustainable Partnership Support – We will explore long-lasting support and development strategies through Regional Youth Work Units and city-region initiatives like Youth Alliance Greater Manchester.
- Continue direct support for emerging LYPs - including those engaged in the pilot.
- Engage and directly support a further 6-10 areas - providing support and resources in the development of LYPs in those areas.
- Secure Ongoing Support and Investment for LYPs – at regional and national levels, building on established business case and supporting research (e.g. Empowering Local)
Phase 2 of this project has been delivered in partnership by YPF Trust, working closely with local areas and our regional and national partners:
“This backing from DCMS reinforces the value and significance of collaborative work within the youth sector, and we are eager to carry this momentum forward, strengthening the support and resources available for young people, communities and the organisations that support them.
With DCMS's support and the support of our partners, we hope to make an even bigger impact in the coming phase.”
“We are immensely grateful for the support we have received from the DCMS. The funding has been the cornerstone inestablishing the Young BWD Foundation in Blackburn with Darwen, enabling us to develop a borough-wide strategic plan in close partnership with the local authority. Our collaboration has not only positioned the BWD Foundation and its members as a key strategic partner but has also facilitated the securing of additional funding for a pivotal youth justice project.
The progress we have made since February of this year is nothing short of amazing. Without the DCMS's support, we would not have been able to cover the remarkable ground we have, developing our governance and infrastructure framework, enhancing our branding and communications to name a few.”